Aaron and Tarin and the girls drove to Florida and Becky flew in from SA and we all went to the beach as soon as we could.
They're not using those colenders to find supper - you can sift the sand here and find small, black, petrified shark's teeth! Which picture do you think best describes Gary and Ava's grandkids????
We got to Bradenton in time to celebrate Reed's birthday and he got to have all his grandparents there!
Arwen had planned a swimming party at their backyard pool and these are almost all the boys in his school class - they ran and played like a bunch of wild
Another of the tiny, one-lane tunnels on this road through the "Needles".
This spire, pictured above, is where the area got its name. Way too large to get in one frame from anywhere we wanted to climb.
This is Sylvan Lake on the drive and included here because it was not only pretty, it may well have been the rocky area featured in the movie National Treasure II which featured the Mt Rushmore area. There is no lake above Mr Rushmore and if the ancient Indian city of Gold, Cibolo, is anywhere around here it is still a secret. We did drive by the Crazy Horse Memorial but they wanted too much gold to make us want to go in; Ava snapped a picture from the front gate (attendant's suggestion) and I will add it to the next post.
Adjacent is this enormous state park, 71,000 acres of the Black Hills; this area should really be given almost a week to see it all.
We chose to go into the "Needles" area where grainite spires inspired the whole mountain-carving idea. Borglum looked at these and declared they wouldn't last as long as he intended - and were not big enough to do what he envisioned: memorialize our great presidents for all time. Still, this was a great drive - luckily NOT pulling the trailer (for obvious reasons, above).
Full-timers! We've moved into our (newer, larger) RV and expect to spend several years on Sojourns, Workamping and seeing this amazing country. We are making new friends and getting to work for the Lord whether Sojourning, Workamping, or just touring. Sojourning is a ministry of the churches of Christ where 4 to 10 rigs rendezvous at a church camp, children's home, church or Christian College for 2 to 3 weeks to work together at encouragement and whatever else is needed. Workamping is swapping some workhours a week in a camp for the site, and staying put for several months - getting to know an area more 'in depth'. In every place we get to attend church in the towns nearby. Some time each year we'll park ourselves near all the kids and grandkids and be a part of their life in their places. The Lord has been rich in His gifts of (enough) health and wealth and we feel we are on a Grand Adventure. You've got to know it puts a smile on our face. Jeremiah 29:11