Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Camp in the Smokies

We planned a family camping trip back in February so we could all
get our days off together - and surprise, surprise it worked out!

We will share a few pictures in the following posts about the campground,
the great creek, and just being together.
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Real Pool Fun

All the 'kids' loved getting into the pool - anytime, any day.

Marla was as quick as any to get in - and these 'floaties' won't come off.
(when she got home in August she was ready for swimming lessons :)

Any doubt where our grandkids get their 'wild and crazy' gene?

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Playing around

Aaron and Tarin and the girls drove to Florida and Becky flew in from SA and we all went to the beach as soon as we could.

They're not using those colenders to find supper - you can sift the sand here and find small, black, petrified shark's teeth!
Which picture do you think best describes Gary and Ava's grandkids????
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Florida - two special days

We got to Bradenton in time to celebrate Reed's birthday and he got to have all his grandparents there!

Arwen had planned a swimming party at their backyard pool and these are almost all the boys in his school class - they ran and played like a bunch of wild

Fathers Day saw us all at a Tampa Rays game.

Me and Reed enjoying the game.
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Corpus Christi Beginnings

During our 4 weeks in CC we got to celebrate Aaron's Birthday!

Lots of eating - and eating out.

Ava and I got to take the kayaks out several places - this is downtown CC
early one morning and we put fish in the freezer!

There was time also for just relaxing around the trailer and we had the
grand-daughters to help!

To quickly, it seemed, we were headed off to Florida pulling our little house
behind us- and being in no particular hurry.
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