Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bear with us

We felt especially blessed to see a black bear putting on a show. Of course the Ranger wouldn't let us get too close.

This snow was fun but after the evening John Muir performance (same guy who did the Burn's PBS documentary on NPs as Muir's voice) we had to drive out of the park in a snowfall - three hours of tense driving for Gary AND Ava. We learned that the next morning they held up all traffic for and hour and half while the snowplows cleared the same road. We, on the otherhand, gratefully slept in.

We know this is a long first blog but WiFi is hard to come by - and this is our first try.
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Trees - big trees

We walked among trees that were alive when David was King in Jerusalem!

Big trees need big feet.

See if you can find Ava in this picture.
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Every view from the valley floor, and every lookout from the mountain roads just begged for a picture - or just to sit and look for an hour or a day.

We loved to look at the waterfalls and felt particulary blessed that it was a wet spring.
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This is an amazing place - not easy to get to, these mountains are big and wild - but the rocks and trees, waterfalls and valleys are magnificent. God has made a spectacle of his handiwork here.

The weather changed hourly and even visiting the same lookout gave a different view every time. Rain that made splendid waterfalls also became sleet and snow at the higher elevations. We have seen more winter in the last three days than in the last 3 years! Luckily we planned for cold and wet and the locals think we are overdressed.
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Trailer Repair

The first time we needed the 12v fresh water pump (Grand Canyon - no hookups) - it died. So, Camping World in Santa Clarita, CA (near LA) was where we could get it replaced. An extended warranty is good - Jack was glad for the work, Gary was glad to watch.
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hiking in Grand Canyon

It was wonderful to see these scriptures posted in such an inspiring place.

Gary is the speck on the very start of the South Kaibab Trail. (he went no farther)

The travel gnome seemed ready for a longer hike!
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a really Grand Canyon

We had three sunsets and two whole days to re-visit this amazing place. Ava took many great pictures and the weather cooperated. Except that the wind REALLY blew - tried to take you right off the rim. We used their great bus system and camped right in the park so we got around easily. God's handiwork is surely on display here.

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Engles in Phoenix

Great visit - Allie fixed a super meal, Mark was off and the kids talked a mile a minute. We got to see their beautiful house and then go to Weds nite church service together. They are much loved at their congregation where Mark serves as a deacon.
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It was great to go to dinner with Adrian and Tracey and kids in Las Cruces -we talked for hours. They are doing well and excited about spending this next year in DC!
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We were blessed to have Hallie and Vivian try out our camper while we were in SA. The next morning we all were off to MacArthur Park for church. Tomorrow we start west.
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Family Celebrating

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Surprise B-Day Party for Becky! (30th)

Somehow we pulled it off- kept it a secret from Becky even though all her church friends, school friends and family knew about it! We met at noon at a Fuddruckers in San Antonio and really surprised Becky.
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