Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our first hike in the Redwoods NP was to a slot canyon right on the coast. It was a further hike than the sign indicates because the rain had made the road to the trailhead impassable so we walked the last two miles to get to this spot!
You can see here the large, billowy ferns that grow on a wall up to 50 feet high - and the stream only about 20 feet across.
We had to work pretty hard to keep our feet dry - and good boots help a lot. We were told this was impassable by the Information people because of the recent rains but it had dropped enought to be easily accessed. Kept the walk uncrowded, though.
Periodic big storms off the Pacific Ocean drop the big trees on the bluffs above into this stream and create some really neat perches for old birds like the one above.
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