Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gr Tetons - Coulter Bay camp

We had scouted earlier and found many '1st come' campsites we thought would be good; but when we needed two (for Thomases) this is what we got - and it was great! We thought we might "up-grade" but never chose to- the site was quiet, shaded, large and even had good neighbors we learnded to love. I am holding The Complete Sherlock Holmes - we enjoy reading aloud while one is cooking or cleaning.

We used the Lake Jackson Lodge lobby to connect to the internet and to view a vast willow flats for elk and moose; it also had a steady stream of tourists from everywhere to watch, and shops and restaurants. We never ate there but we did follow our Frommer guide book tip and ordered a Half Order of Signal Mountain Lodge's "Mountain of Nachos". (It was a three-Rolaid night:) Towards the end of the trip we dropped in to the Jenny Lake Lodge for an hour of classical guitar music at day's end. The lodges are nice if you aren't into camping and offer a real variety of accomodations.
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