Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yellowstone final

At the end of our two weeks we got to meet the 5 Thomases on their way back to Oklahoma. We had been with Joe and Linda at Sequoia and with Joe at our Sojourn and at Glacier NP. This is their younger son and his wife, whom we had never met. It was great to see them and to find out we were likely to have a couple of days at Grand Teton together, too. I said 5 Thomases because Julie (red shirt) is expecting their first.
In the Lamar Valley Joe's spotting scope caught this Osprey with two fledglings. Later the Thomases would have the rare good fortune to put that scope on a wolf kill nearby - an alpha female had taken down an elk cow and calf and was feeding four pups!
This is one of three grizzlies we saw in the parks, and the only one that gave us a picture. What didn't get pictured is her yearly cub, running hard off to the right to catch up.
Breaking camp at Madison campground. Besides being the ace photographer of all these (and hundreds more) pictures, this lovely lass has made this 'rolling house' a home and been a real trouper through thick and thin. The Lord has blessed us richly!
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