Monday, August 2, 2010

Yellowstone - big wildlife

The scale of this park makes everything look small but the bull elk are impressive! A 'life bird' for Ava and I was this Trumpeter Swan - once on the endangered list - it has a seven foot wingspan!

Canada Geese were every where there was water - and the lake, the many rivers: Yellowstone, Madison, Firehole, etc. - gave them lots of water to flock to. This bison didn't seem to mind the fact that this sulfurous pond was totally un-drinkable. We did get to see the bison 'herding up' - where the bulls start collecting -and defending- their harems in the Hayden Valley; the old bulls generally prevail :)
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1 comment:

  1. Been catching up on your blog. What a treat!!! We think of you and pray for you often. September will be here before we know it! Love y'all!
