Friday, August 13, 2010

Snake River Floats

We had used our inflatable kayak at Glacier and Yellowstone but only in lakes - and we love to float rivers. Finally the Snake River in the Grand Tetons gave us what we had longe for. We checked out the three favorite legs and one was too slow, one too uncertain and one was just right - Pacific Creek Landing to Deadman's Bar.
you can see the Snake twists and turns and changes every season - there are many "braids" and some lead into deadfalls and "sweepers" are always a possibility. Earlier in the season even this middle leg might have been too much but in early August it was perfect - and a lot of commercial raft companys were using it, too.
Thier equipment made our little 'blow up boat' seem pretty small - but she handled well we were impressed. We got to do this run three times, on our own schedule, and paid for the purchase of the Sea Eagle with what we would have paid a rafting company to do that.
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