Wednesday, September 1, 2010

North by North East

We were next headed for Mt Rushmore but decided (wisely) not to go through Yellowstone NP and thru the mountains but instead to run the Interstates. That took us up thru Idaho to Butte, Mt and, after a great steak dinner (thanks for the suggestion, Arwen) pulled into Wal-Mart with all the other poor campers. (notice the rigs, above - we're the pobrecitos).
Who should be parked right in front of us - the Byrd's! On their way to Helena to see more of Richard's family. So, we just broke out the chairs and had a 'parking lot party'.
Before the sun set we got a rain that proved what Ava has always thought: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is in a Dollar Tree.
The last night in Montana (snif, snif) was in a Cabela's parking lot - like Wal-Mart they welcome travellers -and Cabelas even has water, dump station and kennels available. Of course, like at W-M, you end up shopping and dropping a bundle. dumb like a fox, they are.
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