Wednesday, September 1, 2010

SLC- Mormonism part 2

At some later point they were visited by God and Jesus, and others of the Apostles and given authority as the modern-day prophets and priests (ie., Aaronic Order/Melchizedek). They are very big on Authority and that clearly appeals to a lot of people.
We heard a score of languages and speakers as we toured the grounds.
This photo is taken from the roof of their current 21,000-seat auditoreum with it's 7000-pipe Pipe Organ. They are successful in spreading their beliefs because they are determined and organized and the current prophet can change what they believe and do stay as 'in step' with the times as needed. It takes a lot of faith - and we knew that those who have accepted it and/or grown up in it will be difficult to reach in our Sojourn in Idaho - another strong Mormom area. We believe the Bible is all we need, and trust to that; giving so much authority to man (or men) to re-write the Truth is an amazing belief - whatever their industriousness has accomplished.
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