Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rupert - final

We ended with a sight-seeing day and a pie supper social after church on Weds nite. Here's some of the guys just relaxin'.
Richard, Team Leader, had grown up in this area and still has family there so he wanted to show us some of the area's natural wonders. We went to Shoshone Falls on the Snake River and they were spectacular. We also drove through a Country Club down below the plateau on the Snake River and looked at a house perched on a cliff. This area is much like Palo Duro Canyon in that it is a flat, high plateau that is dry and parched and then you come up on the river which has cut a canyon hundreds of feet deep as a gash through the land.
The Sojourn Team remnant at the Falls; we are looking forward to being together again in October at Marshall, Tx.; God Willing.
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